Project Description


Positive Displacement Blowers

Robox Lobe series

Gardner Denver positive displacement blowers include RBS blowers in 24 different models, all with the innovative characteristics of the Robox Lobe compression units.

24 positive displacement rotary lobe blower models with innovative Robox Lobe compression units
Pressure to 1,000 mbar (g), Vacuum to 500 mbar (a), capacity to 10,500 m³/h
Delivers reliability, extreme sturdiness and compactness throughout the range

Request for Quotation

The Robox Lobe, which is the Robuschi Positive Displacement Rotary Lobe Blower, is an integrated package designed to convey gas at low pressure. Based on the RBS lobe positive displacement rotary lobe blower, it is operated by an electric motor through a belt drive.